Researching your family tree

Of all the emotional processes you go through when studying and researching your family tree it is the hunt for birth parents that is the most challenging. The locale privacy laws can make it a lot more complicated to find exact names and addresses depending on where you live. It may well be difficult simply to find out the locations connected with your adoption either from the adoption agency or your adoptive parents. If your birth mother or father don't want to be found you would not be alone as this is fairly common. You should be prepared for a long time spent searching as it can be difficult.

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One of the early steps is to ask your adoptive parents if they could assist you in locating your birth parents. Keep in mind that adoptive parents could see this as a rejection of them and their affection for you. Don't just ask bluntly and try to be sensitive to how your questions might make them feel. If you make it very clear that you wish to know your genealogy has nothing to do with them or the love they showed you as parents that will reassure them. Don't let them think you are looking to replace them as your real family by searching for your birth mother. If you can get a forename for your birth mother then you are doing better than most. They may know no more than the name of the agency or adoption center that handled the paperwork. Finding information from overseas adoption agencies is likely to make things a lot harder for you. There are some adoptions that are a lot more open than others and your parents may have had some contact with the birth mother. This doesn't mean they will know her name but any descriptive information about her age or some physical features may help you in your search.

Check out the laws surrounding adoption in your state and country. It may be worth your while to invest in professional help to assist with understanding the laws. You must always abide by the law so make sure you stick to the rules. You will discover that you can get help from some agencies either online or from the local phone book. When searching you will find that having some legal advice will be a great help. Adoption reunions are worth looking into and you can usually sign up online. You never know, you may discover your birth mother is searching for you as well.

Eventually the agency that dealt with your adoption can be approached. It is worth asking but they may not be able to help much. It can happen that they will pass on a letter from you to your birth mother if you ask them. In your letter you would explain you want help to research your birth family tree. If the can give you some information about your mother's medical history you might learn something useful about your own medical health potential and risks.

It may be tough but try not to simply give up when you hit problems. If you can find out her name you can at least build up your family tree even if you never find her. You should assume that it will be very difficult to find your birth father. You could always research the family tree of your adoptive family if you come up against a complete brick wall when it comes to researching your birth parents. After all, it is their name you carry and their love that raised you.

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Posted in Renovations Post Date 12/08/2023






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